Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Officer's Gilt & Silver Plated Cap Badge
A die cast gilt example of two part construction with flames to 14 points and with two original long loops to the reverse (also found with a small slider). Mounted on the ball in silver plate is St George facing left within motto circle QUO FATA VOCANT. Circa 44mm tall and 26mm wide across the flames. Worn on the forage and SD cap and the beret from 1936 until 1959, although the TA battalion... read more
85.00 GBP
Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Other Ranks Bi Metal Cap Badge
The bi-metal version was worn from 1936 until 1952. Worn on the SD cap, Field Service cap and beret. Original slider. Replaced in 1952 by a staybrite version which was worn until 1959. Circa 43mm by 26mm across the flames. In very good condition.
Col D Wood "The Fifth Fusiliers and its Badges" (2nd Edn) No 178 refers.
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WW2 RNF Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Plastic Economy / Bakelite Cap Badge - Type 1
This version in a pale grey-green finish (others in this size can be found in light grey and bronze finishes). Circa 40mm tall by 25mm across the flames. Two original tabs to the reverse, north-south. In good overall condition with only minor distortion and crazing of the cellulose acetate plastic to the reverse only. Sometimes incorrectly described as Bakelite. See the final photo for a com... read more
WW2 RNF Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Plastic / Bakelite Economy Cap Badge - Type 2
This is the smaller pattern in the series and quite hard to come by. Circa 39mm tall by 24mm across the flames. Two original tabs to the reverse, folded flat. In good overall condition with only minor distortion and no crazing of the cellulose acetate plastic. Sometimes incorrectly described as Bakelite. See the final photo for a comparison with its larger cousin, listed for sale above (my i... read more
Royal Northumberland Fusiliers RNF Anodised Aluminium AA Staybrite Cap Badge - Gaunt London
A coloured anodised aluminium staybrite version replaced the bi-metal version in 1952 and was worn until 1959. With original slider which is maker marked JR Gaunt London. Circa 44mm tall and 26mm wide across the flames. In superb condition.
Col D Wood "The Fifth Fusiliers and its Badges" (2nd Edn) No 181 refers.
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25.00 GBP
Grenade / NF Northumberland Fusiliers One Piece Shoulder Title
As worn from 1910 by regular soldiers or from 1908 by various Territorial Soldiers with the addition of a T and battalion number above. Worn by soldiers on the Service Dress jacket. Three original loop fixings, some twisting, otherwise in good condition (overall has a slightly mis-struck appearance).
Col D Wood "The Fighting Fifth and its Badges" p101 / Fig 282 refers.
<... read more
20.00 GBP
Scotland - 4th Aberdeenshire Rifle Volunteer Corps White Metal Glengarry Badge
An attractive die struck white metal example with
cockerel standant to voided centre with two original dark toned loops to the reverse. In the cap badges of the 4th Aberdeenshire Rifle Volunteers (and its successor, the 4th (Donside Highland) Volunteer Battalion, the Gordon Highlanders), a cock is featured as the central element of the badge. "Cock o' the North" was the regimental qui... read more
WW2 RWF Royal Welch Fusiliers Woven Black on Khaki Slip-on Slide Shoulder Title
A better quality and lighter finish than one usually finds. With original retaining strip. Scarce.
Comm PaLi read more
25.00 GBP
WW2 HAC Honourable Artillery Company Embroidered Red on Blue Cloth Felt Shoulder Title
Hessian backed, some paper stuck to reverse otherwise in very good condition and quite scarce.
Comm PaLi (B3) read more
30.00 GBP
WW2 RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps Armament Artificers (Radio) & Radio Mechanics (Radio Location) Technician Trade Skills Proficiency Embroidered Cloth Arm Badge
In good unissued condition, all in red on blue rectangle. Scarce.
Edwards & Langley 103, but not in these colours & BoBD (Jon Mills) 1515 refers (in these colours but this example is woven not printed).
Comm PaLi read more
20.00 GBP