Answers to the Quartermaster's Xmas Quiz No 6
Answers in square brackets:
1. What is an AB64 Pt 2? - Soldier's Pay Book
2. Which campaign service medal clasp was issued only to Australians? 'South Vietnam 24 Dec '69 - 29 May '64' - then replaced by the Queen's Vietnam Medal
3. In which country did Riel's Rebellion take place? Canada
4. When is ANZAC Day? 25th April
5. Who commanded the WW2 Polish Corps in Italy? General Wladyslaw Anders
6. How was RADAR originally known? R.D.F. (Radio Direction Finding)
7. Name the Centaur on the badge of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps? Chiron
8. Who was the Israeli Minster of Defence during the Six Day War of 1967? Moshe Dayan
9. In November 1863 Abraham Lincoln made a speech of only 269 words. How is this remembered? The Gettysburg Address
10. Who was immortalised by the painter Lady Butler as the only survivor (allegedly) of British Army's retreat from Kabul in January 1842? Doctor William Brydon - he was in fact not the only survivor, there were many others.
How did you do? No need to email me, just keep your own scores!
Merry Xmas
The Quartermaster
(Photo credit - Facebook)
Code: 62473